Do you have an upcoming project that requires a roll-off dumpster to get rid of all the waste? If so, knowing how to maximize the space in the dumpster is crucial for a cost-effective project. There is a charge for every time that a dumpster is filled and replaced with a new one, and it doesn't matter how much waste is packed tightly within it. Here are some helpful tips for filling a roll-off dumpster.  

Disassemble Large Items

There are going to be many things that are very large that go into a dumpster, which is why you decided not to bag everything up in trash bags. Consider disassembling large items so that they take up less room. This includes old kitchen cabinets from a kitchen remodeling project or damaged furniture from a flooded basement. It's a little bit more work, but it can save you money

Bundle Materials Together

The ability to bundle materials together can really help save room because they will not get separated once placed in the dumpster. For example, if you have old plumbing that you are replacing, it may help to group the pipes together and bundle them so they are as close as possible. If they are not bundled, they will create a layer of material that will block off access to part of the dumpster.

Flatten Boxes

Have large cardboard boxes that new materials came in? These boxes should be flattened to prevent them from taking up a ton of room. Use a box cutter to slice the tape open along the seams, and stack all the boxes on top of each other. Then you can take a large stack and place them in the dumpster at once so that another item can help keep the cardboard compressed and take up less room. 

Avoid Air Gaps

Anything that you can do to avoid air gaps in the dumpster will prevent you from wasting space. Consider filling the dumpster in layers to prevent this from happening. Simply evenly distributing the trash along the bottom can really help the future layers fill in the gaps and make everything quite compact in the dumpster. 

Separate Recyclables 

Everything doesn't necessarily have to go into the dumpster when you're done with it. Consider separating recyclables to be disposed of separately. Not only will they take up less room in the dumpster, but you'll be doing your part in making sure the material is reused. 

Contact a local roll-off dumpster service to learn more.
